Amish Research Clinic (ARC)
The Amish Research Clinic is the backbone of the Amish Research Program and contributes to improvements in healthcare through research. It also serves as a resource for health information and knowledge to the Amish Community.
Dan Morgan | |
Biosensor Core (BSC)
Latest technology for the quantitative study of binding reactions in real time, specifically with an approach that is versatile, highly sensitive, and “user friendly,” with molecules that are label-free. The instruments we use for this purpose are from Biacore® (GE Healthcare).
Robert J. Bloch, PhD | |
410-706-3020 |
Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Shared Service (UMGCCBIOSTATS)
State-of-the-art statistical science, expert statistical analysis and sound statistical reporting
Susan Holt | |
(410) 706-8505 |
Center for Blood Oxygen Transport & Hemostasis (CBOTH)
Cores include: Nanofabrication and Characterization, Red Blood Cell and Hematology, and Small Animal Surgery and Physiology.
Regina Adão | |
410-706-4531 |
Confocal Microscopy Core (CMC)
Equipment and expertise to assist investigators in applying advanced fluorescence microscopy techniques to their research.
Joseph Mauban, PhD | |
410-706-6170 |
Core for Translational Research in Imaging (CTRIM)
State-of-the-art technology for animal imaging at the molecular, cellular and systemic level. Services for in-vivo and ex-vivo cross-sectional and functional imaging using MRI, MR-g-FUS, PET, and CT.
Jiachen Zhuo | |
410-706-2697 |
Cytokine Core Laboratory (CCL)
Offers an extensive list of human, mouse, and rat cytokine, chemokine and growth factor assays.
Dr. Jeffrey Hasday | |
410-706-1508 |
Electron Microscopy Core Imaging Facility (EMC)
Transmission Electron Microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM CryoTransfer & amp; Chamber, High Pressure Freezer, Freeze Substitution System, Grid Plunger, Cryo Ultramicrotome, Gatan 626 cryo holder
Christine Brantner | |
410-706-7992 |
Flow Cytometry Core (FCC)
Sample acquisition on three analytical flow cytometers, expert data analysis, experimental planning and consultation and perform cell sorting on two high speed cell sorters.
Xiaoxuan Fan Ph.D | |
410-706-2173 |
Flow Cytometry and Mass Cytometry Core (CVD_FLOW)
Flow and amp; Mass Cytometry: DakoCytomation MoFlo flow cytometer and cell sorter, BD Biosciences LSR II flow cytometer with 16 parameters and Fluidigm Helios Mass Cytometers with the capability of measuring over 30 parameters simultaneously in a single tube.
Regina Harley, MS | |
410-706-0095 |
General Clinical Research Center (GCRC)
Provide investigators with the resources they need to conduct clinical research, including and the facilities for inpatient and outpatient data collection and patient care, as well as a state-of-the-art DEXA Facility.
Meghan Banchero | |
410-328-7365 |
Histology Core (PHC)
Pathology laboratory providing the primary routine histology services for Autopsy, Cytology, and Renal Pathology within hte Department of Pathology. This lab provides histology services for clinical trials, as well. Both animal and human tissues samples are acceptable.
Norma Colocho | |
410-706-3579 (or 7902) |
Mass Spectrometry Center (MS)
Strives to accelerate discovery by providing investigators, on campus and beyond, access to cutting-edge technologies in mass spectrometry. Expetise from basic biology and medicine to technology development and translational research
Maureen A. Kane | |
410-706-5097 |
Musculoskeletal Physiology Service Center
Provides comprehensive outcome measures to assess bone and muscle structure, function, and physiology in preclinical models. Offers training and assistance in the holistic assessment of in vivo and ex vivo musculoskeletal phenotypes.
Chris Ward, PhD | |
OptumLabs Core (OLC)
Optum Labs Data Warehouse (OLDW) is a comprehensive, nationwide real-world database that contains de-identified, longitudinal health information on enrollees and patients, representing a mixture of ages and geographical regions across the United States.
Rozalina G. McCoy, MD MS | |
410 706 6652 |
Pathology Biorepository Shared Resources (PBSR)
Provides the collection of high quality banked patient samples while maintaining patient confidentiality. PBSS also provides pathology, histology, & histotechnology consultation services to assist principal investigators in the procurement, analyses, & clinicopathologic correlation of human tissue
Kimberly Clark, H.T. (ASCP) | |
410-706-2174 |
Quality Management System (QMS)
Independent of individual laboratories and has been established to provide training, document management and auditing expertise for studies that require Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) to adhere to governmental regulations described in 21 CFR Part 58.
The Center for Biomolecular Therapeutics (CBT)
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: 600 MHz Bruker Avance III NMR Spectrometer, 800 MHz Bruker Avance NMR Spectrometer, 950 MHz Bruker Avance III NMR Spectrometer
David J. Weber, PhD | |
410 706 4354 |
The Clinical and Translational Research Informatics Center (CTRIC)
Accelerating the translation of scientific discoveries from the basic science bench to clinical studies, bedside practice, and community intervention, through use of information technologies (IT) and informatics.
Tamar Pair | |
410-706-3461 |
Translational Genomics Laboratory Core (TGL)
CAP accredited and CLIA compliant laboratory, capable of providing support to clinical and translational genetic/genomic studies (CAP# 8017554) (CLIA# 21D2027356).
Danielle Sewell | |
(410) 706-3339 |
Translational Laboratory Shared Resources (TLSR)
Pre-clinical and clinical experimental support to basic researchers and physicians. We work in areas across the entire spectrum: cell biology, in vitro, in vivo and human trials.
Rena Lapidus, PhD | |
410-328-8092 |
University of Maryland Medicine Biorepository (UMM_Biorepository)
A foundation for personalized medicine. Includes banking of blood samples from UMMS patients, collections of various biospecimens from collaborating researchers. State-of-the-art robotic freezer & liquid-handling equipment. Secure & managed environment for processing, storage & distribution.
Jeff Rhyne | |
410-706-0454 |
Viral Vector Core (VVC)
Production of viral-based gene delivery including adeno-associated virus (AAV) . The Core will offer varieties of serotypes and virus purification for gene therapy in brain or other tissues. In addition, the core will provide services for vector design and custom cloning to generate vectors.
Ramesh Chandra, PhD | |
410 706 2770 |