Translational Laboratory Shared Resources (TLSR)



Please be sure to acknowledge us in your publications: University of Maryland School of Medicine’s & Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Translational Laboratory Shared Resources – Baltimore, Maryland. This publication was supported by funds through the Maryland Department of Health's Cigarette Restitution Fund Program. This publication was supported by funds through the Maryland Department of Health's Cigarette Restitution Fund Program and the National Cancer Institute - Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) - P30CA134274.

Overview of Services

The University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center (UMGCC) Translational Shared Resources(TLSR) offers pre-clinical and clinical experimental support to basic researchers and physicians in the UMGCC community. We work in areas across the entire spectrum: cell biology, in vitro, in vivo and human trials. 


In Vitro Assays 

  • IC50 generation using MTS Proliferation Assay
  • Cell cycle (propidium iodide)
  • Viability (trypan blue exclusion)
  • Apoptosis/Annexin V
  • DNA Damage (Gamma-H2Ax Immunofluorescence)
  • Potentiation/Synergy
  • ROS (Microplate Reader Assay)
  • Western Analysis
  • Angiogenesis/Tube Formation
  • Mycoplasma testing



  • Real time proliferation/invasion/migration


In Vivo Assays 

  • IACUC approved umbrella protocol
  • Tolerability:
  • Tumor Growth
  • Pharmacokinetics: generation of plasma
  • Efficacy (flank models)
  • Efficacy (orthotopic models)
  • Pharmacodynamic Endpoints
  • Imaging of cells with Xenogen System
  • Necropsy


Clinical Trial Support 

We isolate:

  • Plasma
  • Serum
  • Tumor Biopsy
  • Whole Blood (isolation of PBMC,
  • DNA, RNA, protein)
  • Bone Marrow (isolation of marrow
  • Buccal Mucosa


Pharmacodynamic (PD) Endpoints 

  • in patient samples, tumor or surrogate tissues, preclinical samples
  • endpoint dependent on target (e.g., ELISA, flow cytometry, Western, unique assay)


Rena Lapidus, Ph.D., Director

Location and Hours of Operation

Hours Location

Monday - Friday    

8:30 am - 5:00 pm       

655 West Baltimore Street

Baltimore, MD  21201

Links and Resources

University of Maryland School of Medicine - Translational Laboratory Shared Resources (TLSR)

Biotek Synergy H1 Multimode Plate Reader




Name Role Phone Email Location
Rena Lapidus, PhD
Core Director
BRB 7-043
Brandon Carter-Cooper
Lab Manager
BRB 7-010C

Service list

Search available services: View: by category alphabetically
Clinical (5)
In Vitro (24)
In Vivo (15)
Plate Reader Fees (1)
xCELLigence Run Fees (3)