In observance of the holidays, Agilent CrossLab/iLab Operations Software Support Help Desk will be closed during U.S. hours on Monday, February 17th, 2025. We will resume regular U.S. support hours on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025. For urgent matters, please add "Urgent" to the ticket/email subject or press "1" when prompted to escalate a call on the iLab Support phone, and we will prioritize those requests first.

Pathology Biorepository Shared Resources (PBSR)

Please be sure to acknowledge us in your publications: 
University of Maryland School of Medicine’s & Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Pathology Biorepository Shared Resources– Baltimore, Maryland. This publication was supported by funds through the Maryland Department of Health's Cigarette Restitution Fund Program and the National Cancer Institute - Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) - P30CA134274.


Overview of Services

Pathology Biorepository Shared Resources (PBSR) provides consistent excellence in the collection of high quality banked patient samples while maintaining patient confidentiality.  PBSR also provides pathology, histology, and histotechnology consultation services to assist principal investigators in the procurement, analyses, and clinicopathologic correlation of human tissue specimens.


PBSR was established by the University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center (UMGCC) in 2006 as a developing core.  PBSR has both the unique advantage of the long-standing expertise gained under the well-established relationship with the NCI as well as the advantage of existing expertise and archives within the Pathology Department. PBSR is currently the only tissue bank shared service for specimens removed at surgery on the campus.  We have an integrated relationship with the Anatomic Pathology Department, which is essential for obtaining high quality tissue samples as well as for pathology and histology expertise.  The frozen tissue archives of PBSR consist of frozen tumor samples and associated paired normal tissue, frozen mononuclear cell isolates, plasma, and serum samples.

Contact Tom McHugh or Janet Meyer with any questions or issues experienced related to the use of this online system for ordering equipment time and services. 



Dr. Amy Plotkin, Core Director  410-328-5525

Etse Gebru, Project Manager 410-706-2174


Location and Hours of Operation

Hours Location

9 am - 6 pm
Monday - Friday       

Bressler Research Building, 7-016
655 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD  21201

Links and Resources

  1. University of Maryland School of Medicine- Pathology Biorepository Shared Resources (PBSR)

Publication Acknowledgments

"University of Maryland School of Medicine’s & Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Pathology Biorepository Shared Services – Baltimore, Maryland. This publication was supported by funds through the Maryland Department of Health's Cigarette Restitution Fund Program and the National Cancer Institute - Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) - P30CA134274."


To help us document the impact the core has on research at the University, please also alert the core when you publish data obtained in the core


Name Role Phone Email Location
Kimberly Clark, H.T. (ASCP)
BRB,7th Floor, 7-014
Etse Gebru
Project Lab Manager
BRB 7th Floor, 7-016
Jennifer Coleman PA (ASCP)
Pathology Assistant
BRB 7th Floor, 7-016

Service list

Search available services: View: by category alphabetically
Cryosectioning (Frozen Sections) (1)
Digital Imaging (Aperio Image Analysis and Capture) (2)
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) (1)
Routine Services (12)
Tissue Microarray (TMA) Services (2)